Variation ID: 125619_Y58S_OTH1122980

Variant Type:
Ref Genome:
Query Genome:
Ref Start:
Ref End:
SV Length:
Query Start:
Query End:
Allele sv Count:
90 bp
Gene_id Chromosome Start End
OsY58SG1110069900.01 Chr11 14098131 14098206
SV_id Chromosome ref_start ref_end query_start query_end length
125619_117425_OTH1122830 Chr11 12884055 12884200 11898562 11898473 90
125619_125827_OTH1113220 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13485665 13485576 90
125619_127564_OTH1115260 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12732868 12732779 90
125619_127652_OTH1121760 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12729939 12729850 90
125619_132424_OTH1114970 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12789904 12789815 90
125619_Azucena_OTH1125460 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12402401 12402312 90
125619_Basmati1_OTH1123710 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12652651 12652562 90
125619_CN1_OTH1111010 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13981935 13981846 90
125619_DG_OTH1109310 Chr11 12884055 12884200 14569134 14569045 90
125619_FH838_OTH1111570 Chr11 12884055 12884200 14173720 14173631 90
125619_G46_OTH1111430 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12900103 12900192 90
125619_G8_OTH1109180 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12504326 12504237 90
125619_HZ_OTH1111460 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13338129 13338218 90
125619_II32_OTH1109010 Chr11 12884055 12884200 14446249 14446338 90
125619_IR64_OTH1111190 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12512837 12512748 90
125619_J4155_OTH1111320 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12701642 12701731 90
125619_J4155S_OTH1113270 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13352419 13352508 90
125619_LJ_OTH1122680 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12092542 12092630 89
125619_LK638S_OTH1113290 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13384466 13384555 90
125619_TM_OTH1112370 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13896065 13895976 90
125619_WSSM_OTH1113820 Chr11 12884055 12884200 12721743 12721654 90
125619_XL628S_OTH1112170 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13378541 13378630 90
125619_Y3551_OTH1116970 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13211642 13211553 90
125619_Y58S_OTH1122980 Chr11 12884055 12884200 14098161 14098072 90
125619_ZS97RS3_OTH1110730 Chr11 12884055 12884200 13485231 13485320 90


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