
Accession Name Zhenshan97
Genetic Stock ID A0596
Country Origin China
Subpopulation Xian-indica-1A
Links Rice Information GateWay
Assembly Name ZS97RS3 (JBrowse)
NCBI BioProject PRJNA302542
Reference 10.1016/j.molp.2021.06.018
Annotation Source HZAU
Locus Tag Prefix OsZS97_
Genes 60,935
Alternative Splicing events -
About Zhenshan 97 (ZS97, indica I) and Minghui 63 (MH63, indica II) are the parents of the elite hybrid Shanyou 63 (SY63), which exhibits superiority for a large array of agronomic traits including yield, resistance to multiple diseases, wide adaptability, and good eating quality, and thus has been the most widely cultivated hybrid in China over the past three decades. (Zhang et al. 2016)
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