Variation ID: R527_ZS97RS3_DEL1203380

Variant Type:
Ref Genome:
Query Genome:
Ref Start:
Ref End:
SV Length:
Query Start:
Query End:
Allele sv Count:
2902 bp
Gene_id Chromosome Start End
OsZS97_12G0094500 Chr12 5571855 5572926
SV_id Chromosome ref_start ref_end query_start query_end length
R527_125619_DEL1207270 Chr12 5658775 5661676 8029500 8032654 3155
R527_127564_DEL1203410 Chr12 5658775 5660680 14146027 14147931 1905
R527_127652_DEL1207110 Chr12 5658775 5660680 8248691 8250594 1904
R527_128077_DEL1208190 Chr12 5658775 5660680 16023746 16025650 1905
R527_Basmati1_DEL1208590 Chr12 5658775 5660680 8992451 8994354 1904
R527_CN1_DEL1202580 Chr12 5658775 5660680 14262055 14263958 1904
R527_DG_DEL1203490 Chr12 5658775 5660680 27567845 27569751 1907
R527_FH838_DEL1202860 Chr12 5658775 5660680 8217796 8219699 1904
R527_Lemont_DEL1208290_1 Chr12 5658775 5661677 15825917 15829055 3139
R527_LK638S_DEL1203090 Chr12 5658775 5661676 5602942 5602942 2902
R527_Tumba_DEL1203190 Chr12 5658775 5660680 9361327 9363231 1905
R527_XL628S_DEL1203170 Chr12 5658775 5661676 5594998 5594998 2902
R527_Y3551_DEL1202830 Chr12 5658775 5660680 8105825 8107728 1904
R527_ZS97RS3_DEL1203380 Chr12 5658775 5661676 5572314 5572314 2902
R527_OglaRS2_DEL1211270 Chr12 5658775 5660680 16443634 16445535 1902
R527_MH63RS3_DEL1202870 Chr12 5658775 5660680 8109554 8111457 1904


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Huazhong Agricultural University

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