Variation ID: Lemont_125827_INS1122660

Variant Type:
Ref Genome:
Query Genome:
Ref Start:
Ref End:
SV Length:
Query Start:
Query End:
Allele sv Count:
333 bp
Gene_id Chromosome Start End
OsLiXu_11g0011350 Chr11 13686075 13692462
SV_id Chromosome ref_start ref_end query_start query_end length
Lemont_117534_INS1120990 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12715081 12715413 333
Lemont_125619_INS1123020 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12682497 12682165 333
Lemont_125827_INS1122660 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13688045 13688377 333
Lemont_127564_INS1123680 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12542506 12542174 333
Lemont_127652_INS1127670 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12514874 12514542 333
Lemont_127742_INS1124460 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13367349 13367681 333
Lemont_132424_INS1123940 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12599577 12599245 333
Lemont_CN1_INS1124550 Chr11 12287435 12287435 14184371 14184703 333
Lemont_DG_INS1124370 Chr11 12287435 12287435 14771557 14771889 333
Lemont_FH838_INS1125520 Chr11 12287435 12287435 14374408 14374740 333
Lemont_G46_INS1124620 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13222795 13223127 333
Lemont_G630_INS1124190 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13625735 13626067 333
Lemont_G8_INS1123780 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12706738 12707070 333
Lemont_HZ_INS1125130 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13135737 13135405 333
Lemont_II32_INS1124680 Chr11 12287435 12287435 14243828 14243496 333
Lemont_IR64_INS1123580 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12715272 12715604 333
Lemont_J4155_INS1122080 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12499255 12498923 333
Lemont_J4155S_INS1124190 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13149976 13149644 333
Lemont_LK638S_INS1124350 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13182026 13181694 333
Lemont_R498_INS1122860 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13118906 13119238 333
Lemont_R527_INS1124550 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13414146 13414478 333
Lemont_R9311_INS1125270 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13297371 13297703 333
Lemont_S548_INS1124110 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13320119 13320451 333
Lemont_TM_INS1123910 Chr11 12287435 12287435 14098499 14098831 333
Lemont_Tumba_INS1123620 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13151286 13151618 333
Lemont_WSSM_INS1125010 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12924095 12924427 333
Lemont_XL628S_INS1124220 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13176114 13175782 333
Lemont_Y3551_INS1122730 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12995459 12995127 333
Lemont_Y58S_INS1116950 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13881967 13881635 333
Lemont_YX1_INS1124130 Chr11 12287435 12287435 12888813 12889145 333
Lemont_ZS97RS3_INS1124720 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13282788 13282456 333
Lemont_MH63RS3_INS1125070 Chr11 12287435 12287435 13398919 13399251 333


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