Variation ID: IR64_132424_INS0304990

Variant Type:
Ref Genome:
Query Genome:
Ref Start:
Ref End:
SV Length:
Query Start:
Query End:
Allele sv Count:
241 bp
There is no gene in this region.
SV_id Chromosome ref_start ref_end query_start query_end length
IR64_117425_INS0307900 Chr03 10329815 10330053 15680359 15680596 238
IR64_125619_INS0303240 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15684179 15684419 241
IR64_125827_INS0304580 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15803832 15804072 241
IR64_127518_INS0305380 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15799574 15799814 241
IR64_127564_INS0303710 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15761449 15761689 241
IR64_132424_INS0304990 Chr03 10329815 10330055 16009542 16009782 241
IR64_Azucena_INS0310670 Chr03 10329815 10330053 15487366 15487603 238
IR64_Basmati1_INS0305990 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15613020 15613260 241
IR64_CN1_INS0304290 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15696181 15696421 241
IR64_D62_INS0302530 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15446633 15446873 241
IR64_DG_INS0304650 Chr03 10329815 10330055 14949588 14949828 241
IR64_FH838_INS0304950 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15535005 15535245 241
IR64_FS32_INS0303740 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15781934 15782174 241
IR64_G630_INS0305020 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15643623 15643863 241
IR64_HZ_INS0304010 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15791893 15792133 241
IR64_II32_INS0304920 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15530698 15530938 241
IR64_Lemont_INS0310670 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15393281 15393521 241
IR64_NamRoo_INS0310950 Chr03 10329815 10330053 15322190 15322427 238
IR64_R498_INS0303160 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15601692 15601932 241
IR64_R527_INS0303370 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15695336 15695576 241
IR64_R9311_INS0303760 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15799133 15799373 241
IR64_S548_INS0303750 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15766406 15766646 241
IR64_TM_INS0303820 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15700511 15700751 241
IR64_Tumba_INS0304790 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15721888 15722128 241
IR64_WSSM_INS0303870 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15604188 15604428 241
IR64_Y58S_INS0304100 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15640914 15641154 241
IR64_YX1_INS0303090 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15601411 15601651 241
IR64_ZS97RS3_INS0305050 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15679956 15680196 241
IR64_OglaRS2_INS0313440 Chr03 10329815 10330054 13616524 13616764 241
IR64_MH63RS3_INS0303520 Chr03 10329815 10330055 15759766 15760006 241


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National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement

Huazhong Agricultural University

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