Variation ID: 127652_127742_DEL0430030

Variant Type:
Ref Genome:
Query Genome:
Ref Start:
Ref End:
SV Length:
Query Start:
Query End:
Allele sv Count:
870 bp
Gene_id Chromosome Start End
OsPr106_04g0022670 Chr04 28906579 28916265
SV_id Chromosome ref_start ref_end query_start query_end length
127652_117534_DEL0423080 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28745367 28746236 870
127652_125827_DEL0432130 Chr04 16618844 16619713 26372674 26373544 871
127652_127518_DEL0434770 Chr04 16618844 16619713 31287826 31288696 871
127652_127742_DEL0430030 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28913786 28914655 870
127652_132424_DEL0433970 Chr04 16618844 16619713 30448715 30449584 870
127652_Azucena_DEL0442810 Chr04 16618844 16619713 31096631 31097498 868
127652_Basmati1_DEL0439610 Chr04 16618844 16619713 27851820 27852689 870
127652_CN1_DEL0435230 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28932306 28933175 870
127652_DG_DEL0431440 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29351655 29352524 870
127652_FS32_DEL0433820 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29013651 29014520 870
127652_G8_DEL0435540 Chr04 16618844 16619713 25356586 25357456 871
127652_HZ_DEL0430140 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29085453 29086322 870
127652_II32_DEL0434580 Chr04 16618844 16619713 25569465 25570335 871
127652_IR64_DEL0432950 Chr04 16618844 16619713 26506676 26507550 875
127652_J4155_DEL0442350 Chr04 16618844 16619713 23960325 23961195 871
127652_Kosh_DEL0444410 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28749746 28750642 897
127652_Lemont_DEL0441840 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28868773 28869642 870
127652_R498_DEL0434640 Chr04 16618844 16619713 27805970 27806839 870
127652_R527_DEL0436600 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29014122 29014991 870
127652_R9311_DEL0429990 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29621766 29622635 870
127652_S548_DEL0436820 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28495303 28496172 870
127652_WSSM_DEL0430140 Chr04 16618844 16619713 28474708 28475577 870
127652_XL628S_DEL0435190 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29595301 29596170 870
127652_Y3551_DEL0437360 Chr04 16618844 16619713 25869215 25870085 871
127652_Y58S_DEL0432340 Chr04 16618844 16619713 30718596 30719465 870
127652_YX1_DEL0434500 Chr04 16618844 16619713 27369366 27370235 870
127652_ZS97RS3_DEL0434340 Chr04 16618844 16619713 29803007 29803876 870
127652_OglaRS2_DEL0451010 Chr04 16618844 16619458 26014923 26015533 611
127652_MH63RS3_DEL0437000 Chr04 16618844 16619713 26128152 26129022 871


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Huazhong Agricultural University

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