Variation ID: 117534_127564_DEL1247590

Variant Type:
Ref Genome:
Query Genome:
Ref Start:
Ref End:
SV Length:
Query Start:
Query End:
Allele sv Count:
67 bp
Gene_id Chromosome Start End
OsLima_12g0021330 Chr12 25887187 25896682
SV_id Chromosome ref_start ref_end query_start query_end length
117534_02428_DEL1247360 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26711810 26711810 67
117534_117425_DEL1241760 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26092259 26092259 67
117534_125619_DEL1244420 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26778184 26778184 67
117534_125827_DEL1252400 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26226711 26226711 67
117534_127564_DEL1247590 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25891650 25891650 67
117534_128077_DEL1242420 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26170346 26170346 67
117534_132278_DEL1247460 Chr12 25959264 25959330 27497482 27497482 67
117534_Azucena_DEL1246820 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26961771 26961771 67
117534_Basmati1_DEL1230470 Chr12 25959264 25959330 27263039 27263039 67
117534_D62_DEL1242040 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25840797 25840797 67
117534_DG_DEL1251260 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26978935 26978935 67
117534_DHX2_DEL1246970 Chr12 25959264 25959330 27606613 27606613 67
117534_G46_DEL1250630 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26676227 26676227 67
117534_G8_DEL1248120 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26058185 26058185 67
117534_II32_DEL1249220 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25382261 25382261 67
117534_IR64_DEL1249890 Chr12 25959264 25959330 24938779 24938779 67
117534_Kosh_DEL1248830 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26779920 26779920 67
117534_KY131_DEL1249130 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26015582 26015582 67
117534_Lemont_DEL1246700 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26674781 26674781 67
117534_LJ_DEL1248940 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26410598 26410598 67
117534_NamRoo_DEL1246380 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26918675 26918675 67
117534_R527_DEL1248700 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25263788 25263788 67
117534_R9311_DEL1250190 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25476493 25476493 67
117534_TM_DEL1244480 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25684355 25684355 67
117534_WSSM_DEL1248120 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25542320 25542320 67
117534_Y3551_DEL1246760 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25640407 25640407 67
117534_Y58S_DEL1249480 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26941949 26941949 67
117534_ZH11_DEL1249840 Chr12 25959264 25959330 27641583 27641583 67
117534_ZS97RS3_DEL1250250 Chr12 25959264 25959330 26573943 26573943 67
117534_MH63RS3_DEL1247500 Chr12 25959264 25959330 25695890 25695890 67


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National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement

Huazhong Agricultural University

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